Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays

I missed Wednesday last week, so here is 2 for 1.

( I know they are very grainy, but this is what happens with no lights on and no flash. Sorry)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm So Very Thankful

Thanksgiving came and went, but not without some good memories. The family gathered at my house this year. My sister and her family arrived on Wednesday to help with the preparations at Mom's house. One of my cousins also came on Wednesday. Jr. and his family joined us on Thursday. When we decided on my house, I was a little concerned about how we would fit, but we managed. There were tables everywhere you looked, both in the kitchen and the living room.  The meal was amazing, like always, but the time together was the best.

Mom, Ashley, Jeremy, Annita, & Jr. before the meal

 Brynlee & Grandpa

Adrienne & her friend, Nick

Leah & Daddy

Scott & Brayden enjoying the game

 The Hunters
Nick, Jeremy & Dad

The Kids table

Grandma reading to Leah

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Everyday Randomness

1. Adrienne and Jesus finally had their "date night." Jesus tries to make a point to have some one-on-one time with each one of our girls. Adrienne had been asking "when is it my turn" for the last few months. Friday evening, they took a little trip to Borger for dinner and a movie.

2. Jesus and I also were able to squeeze in a date on Saturday. We went to a banquet for a new organization opening in Dumas. Afterwards, we went to pick up a few things for breakfast the next morning. (Exciting, I know. But it was a night with no children.)

3. The decision has been made. The plan is to return to school this January. I will be going for nursing. I'm nervous and excited. Wish me luck!

4. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then Christmas. I will be hosting this year. Talk about a ticking clock to get those rooms finished.

5. Speaking of Christmas, Jesus is obsessed with Christmas lights. I blame myself, when we first started dating I would have him drive me around just to see all the pretty lights. It's rubbed off on him. He has been planning his display since June.

6. It's almost time for PTO Basketball. I received the sign-up sheet last week. Let's hope Leah has another good year.

All ready for their "date"

Oh, and did I mention there is a movie coming out this Friday! Can't wait.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where do I go from here?

When I originally started this blog, it was for the sole purpose of letting our family and friends watch the girls grow. So far, I feel I have done an okay job with that. Somewhere along the way I have come across some new-found passions. I didn't realize how much of a creative release this could be. I am trying to find a good balance between our everyday lives and my diy, crafting, and photo posts. I do promise to try and not bore you to death. I guess like everything else, it is a learning process. I know one thing for sure. I am going to take a fellow bloggers advice and not take it too seriously. It's a release and it's fun.

We'll see where I go from here.

 For those of you who love the pics:
Here's my pyramid and you can tell by her face what she plans to do.

She was so proud!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Day Mom Challenge

I'd like to start with a big thank you to those of you who have stuck with me the last 5 months. I wasn't sure how I would feel about starting a new blog, but as of now I love it. With a new month starting, I wanted to try this 30 Day Mom Challenge I found via Kendra on pinterest. I know I'm not perfect and I am always looking for new ways to be a better mom.  This felt like the perfect fit for the month of November.

Pinned Image

Join me. Let your children know how much you LOVE them!