Friday, September 30, 2011

Shake it like a Polaroid Picture Part 2: A DIY

I loved the title so much I thought I would use it twice, and it went with this DIY too.

Mini Polaroid Magnets

Supplies Needed:
  1. Poster board
  2. Magnetic Sheets
  3. Spray Adhesive
  4. Packaging Tape
  5. Scissors
  6. Pictures of your choice

First you will need to use an editing software to make a small collage. My favorite, because it is free and easy to use, is Picasa from google. When in Picasa you will choose your favorite pictures and make a "collage." One of the reasons I like Picasa for this project is because in the collage settings there is a polaroid border you can choose.  I decided to use an 8x10 setting. I ended up with a print that looked like this.

I sent it to my local supercenter to print. While in there I picked up the magnetic sheets. The rest is simple.
  1. You will cut out each individual picture.
  2. Once they are all cut, you then use your spray adhesive to stick them to the poster board. I suggest you try to get as many down with one spray. If you have to spray again be sure to cover the pictures that are already on the board, so you won't get the front of them sticky.
  3. Cut them out again. (The poster board is an extra step to make them sturdy.)
  4. I then put a piece of clear packaging tape over the front to protect the pictures. Almost done.
  5. After they are all covered and protected place them on the magnetic sheets as close as possible.
  6. Cut them out once more.

 You will end up with a stack of mini polaroids that look something like this.

Put them on your fridge and enjoy!

I found this on Pinterest and made a few changes.

I was thinking these would make a cute gift for the Grandparents.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shake it like a Polaroid Picture

If you can't tell I am obsessed with pictures and anything that has to do with pictures: cameras, film, black & white, polaroids, digital, etc... To me its a memory, whether good or bad, I want to remember. My fascination began as a young girl. I remember my mom always carrying around her big, bulky, YASHICA camera everywhere. Back then I didn't quite understand why she went through all that trouble, but now I am so grateful she did. Not only did it begin my obsession with photography, but now I can look back at all those pictures again and remember my life.

This need to take pictures all the time didn't come all at once, like most moms, it all started with my kids. When Leah was born I bought a cheap film camera at my local supercenter and started documenting her life.  I quickly realized I needed a digital camera to keep up. But now I have all these picture of my girls on my computer or stored on an SD card. Which brings me to my dilemma. I am capable of taking pictures all the time, but sometimes I forget to take the time to develop them. 

I have a problem with wanting instant gratification. I thought a digital camera would satisfy this problem (being able to see the pic in the little window) but now I find myself wanting pictures, real pictures. So I was on the hunt for a polaroid (just like my grandpa's). To me it was the perfect solution for my 2 wants: memories & instant pictures. Two weeks ago I found one. Actually I found two but only bought one. I haven't tried it out yet, but you could say I am sorta kinda a little excited!

Isn't she beautiful!

And here is the camera that started it all.

(My mom's)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have said before that I am glad school has started because we are back on a schedule. But we have not adjusted yet. I feel like we are constantly going. I keep thinking that we have so much to do and we only have a 1st grader. I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when all three girls are in school or when they start jr. high and high school. Eeek! I will admit I do love a routine but I would like for ours to slow down a bit or hopefully we become accustomed to it.  For now, this is what our days have been looking like.

Guess what tomorrow is.  WORDLESS WEDNESDAYS!!

Have a good night!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I remember when I was a young girl I always wanted a lemonade stand.

I'm not sure why.

Maybe it was the thought of my own money.

Or maybe I just wanted one because I saw it on TV.

I know I had never actually seen one in real life, but for some reason I convinced myself I wanted one.

Fast forward 20 years and my girls have the same dream.

What to do?

I finally gave in.

I think I was more excited than they were.

I began searching for inspiration online.

I found this one.

Next step: We needed a pallet, Grandpa, paint, & some imagination.

Here it is:

We didn't finish in time for summer, but that didn't stop Adrienne and I from trying it out.

Be on the lookout next summer for the Vargas Girls' Lemonade stand!!

( I'm sure this wasn't a one time thing)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Gratitude for the Week

1.   Fall!  It's here. After a long hot summer fall has arrived. And I am loving everything about it. Cloudy days, leaves changing, long-sleeve shirts, comfy jeans & your favorite boots. I LOVE FALL!

2.   School and teachers that make for tired kids and early bedtimes.

3.   My husband. He is a great dad and husband. I  was a "single mom" for most of the week because he was in Missouri for training. And he was missed.

4.   "Gramma," aka my mom, for all the things she does for her girls: Picking up Leah for school every morning, letting them come for sleepovers almost every Saturday, coming over for 5 min so I can run a quick errand. The list goes on...She's pretty great.

5.   Healthy Girls. Both Adrienne & Brynlee had well-child visits this week. Results: Healthy and growing.

6.   Girls Night.

Have a Great Weekend!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer Days

I miss the lazy days of summer.

We "baked" cakes!

Had many art days

Talked on the phone

Took many naps

Wasted energy outside

Read lots of books

Made crafts

And ended our days "Cooking With the Vargas Girls!"